Merry Christmas!!! and Happy 2015!!!

♪ ♪ It's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ Here we are again, after a half of year going on a fast roller-coaster, at least for me, going from wonderful things as becoming officially an american citizen to being told I might have Sjogren's Syndrome and now to found out I have some thyroid condition that affects my immune system, I can only thank the Lord that i am still here as my father in law will say :still kicking and yes,I am!! I can only count my blessings as having my Family together,my kids on great health ,my Mom in good health and my brothers in Peru doing fine. Now I do stop and smell the flowers more often than before and try to make every moment I spend with my children a memory for them so when I am not around anymore they can remember me in the little things. life has changed,a lot but little by little I am coming to terms on what is becoming and I will do whatever it takes to keep me here a little longer. I have to admit I was...