ok, how are you all? I am better now! Not that better but better from I have been. I got diagnosed with Hashimoto's last year on March but before that I have been on a kind of a roller coaster of emotions,feelings and now acceptance that our lives can change in a minute and many times we take a lot of things for granted,then we get hit with a ton of bricks and we are confronted with a new reality. I have learn how to cope with anxiety,depression and all the types of illnesses and things that can come with an autoimmune condition. I might have Lupus,too. But all in all, I have my faith, my family with me and that's all I need. That's why I have just been doing some crocheting not as much crafting but was able to work on something last year. I will upload pictures later. Things have changed,not for better or worse, just changed. I had to take the time to research and learn about this condition and I have been able to at least keep the symptoms at bay. I am not cured. Autoim...
Showing posts from May 15, 2016