
Showing posts from 2013

Teacher's cards

I made these cards for my daughter's wonderful teachers at school,they all are really great and I feel like many times their work goes under recognized... sometimes it just takes a simple thank you to boost and to make others to feel appreciated...we are enjoying our about you???  are you planning on doing something,we are not this summer so we are just enjoying it as  it comes!!!  :)

Girls on the Run

My dear daughter started this year a wonderful program named Girls on the Run, they train the girls for a 5K Run at the end of the season but also teach them working in groups and self confidence...I did the 5K Run with her and we finished!!! to celebrate the end of the season we enjoyed some food and cupcakes....and of course I made the cupcakes and their toppers!!!   :)

Valentine's day decor... ♥

I was trying to upload some pics on the Cricut community page to not avail, so here they are my Valentine's decor....I made it all!!!!  and please feel free to leave a comment... :)

Christmas decor...

ok so here are the pics from our Christmas decor...i wish i would have taken more but we were really sick back then.. ..
ok, trying to catch up ,here are some pics of our Thanksgiving decor....:) and I am working now in our valentine's decor..... :) I'll publish our Christmas decor soon....a lot of catching up to do  :O  have a great day everyone, the clothespins garlands cut out were made  with a template from Yellow Mums
I am still trying to catch up with this page but  I can't, last Holidays will be unforgettable,why??? because we all got sick,yes,really, the Night before Christmas eve my son had some temperature and then,zas! my daughter showed up in my room like a little ghost burning up ,so there it went our Holidays and Winter Break.....but at least we have been ok , ever since...... here is one of my projects's a little curtain for our bathroom...